Tuesday 5 May 2015

Generating some ideas.

In this blog Post, i am going to list some, or any of the ideas i can come up with. My first idea is to start off with a lump of Plasticine, and have it form and create itself into a seemingly living creature of some kind. I get the idea after watching the two YouTube videos below. 

I feel it could be a little fun and as it's only going to be around 15 - 30 seconds, it doesn't have to be overly elaborate or have a real 'in-depth story' as i mentioned earlier.

I am wanting to explore the idea of using a common joke as a starting point, like, 'Why did the chicken cross the road?' but it needs a twist. Maybe it could be crossing the road to get to a KFC Style Restaurant that is selling Deep Fried Human Instead; With a side of Chips.

 - I think i may now have my idea planned out, in my head at least. I will now Begin Planning and creating the storyboards.

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